Villa Dreucici
History of Citadel
revcici Citadel is situated on the north-east part from Prague some 18
kms from the Centre. The destination is easy to reach using one of three
possible ways.
he first written note is dated in the year 1052, when the prince Bretislav, the sovereign of Bohemia, donated "Villa
Dreucici" to the church in Stara Boleslav.
n the year 1332 a noble named "Bartho Kokot" lived in the Drevcici Citadel.
n the year 1364 Jan the Bishop of Litomysl lived in
the citadel and from this place he managed the tax-business
of his town Svitavy.
the end of the 14th century the enemies of Mikulas
the Bishop of Olomouc, namely Ales of Cimburk, captured
the Citadel. In a short time on the order of the King
the Drevcici Citadel was given back to the bishopric
of Olomouc and in April 1396 personally to the Bishop
Mikulas. The possession of the Citadel (including the
village – ”sessione Drzewczicz”) was ratified personally
by the king Vaclav IV. The Bishops of Olomouc kept the
Citadel including the village several years without interruption.
ith the aim of a financial help to the Bishopric, the
Citadel together with the grounds was pledged in accordance
with Vaclav, the administrator of the Bishopric, to the
sovereign of Vratislav, Mr. Janek of Chotěmice.
n the year 1437 Jetrich Tluksa from Vrabi advanced
a loan of 700 three-score of gross ( a unit of money)
to Janek of Chotemice for the right of possession of the
Drevcici Citadel and accessories for the period of
four years. The text of the pledge is the part of a
document in which the residence of Drevcici is not mentioned
as the citadel but as a castle. "Drzewczicz municio
prope Pragam inscripta duobus consaguinei Johanni et
Jonanni Wrabssczy nuncupatis ad vitas eorum dumtaxat",
thus ”The Drevici Citadel at Prague is kept in pledge
by Jan and Jan of Vrabi to their lives".
n the year 1469 the king Jiri of Podebrady renewed the
pledge of the Citadel at the annual price of 10 three-score
38 gross, which was also confirmed by the king Vladislav
of Jagellon in the year 1472.
n the year 1547, the year of uprising of the part of
the Czech estates and towns against the sovereign Ferdinand
I., Jan of Vrabi (descendent of the family Vrabi) came
to the forefront of history and happened to be even one
of the representatives of the Czech Estates. It is more
than obvious that after the defeat of the rising his
active role in it was rightfully punished. Jan had to
acknowledge his deep and severe offence and as a punishment
he was sentenced to home imprisonment, the fine of 500
three-score of grosses, loss of his possessions and to
the service of the king with two horses.
fter Jan´s death the ownership of the place passed to
his sons Hynek and Karel, which started another very
dramatic part of the history of the Drevcici Citadel.
Both brothers lived in peace obviously till the year
1562. At that time was passed a judgement over the sovereign
of the neighbouring empire Brandys with regard to the
hunting on their pieces of land.
he final descendent of the family Vrabi Hynek died during
the year 1584 and was buried in the Church of Saint Barthold
in Drevcici. The Drevcici Citadel was then joined together
with the accessories to Brandys and thus it lost its
residential function.

he Drevcici Citadel is a historical monument placed
on the list of Czech historical monuments. Today's use
is for catering purposes with a reconstruction of historical
styles (ranging from gothic to country ones). The capacity
of the place is up to 2000 persons. Three floors of the
main building and one floor of the gothic dependence
furnished as a pub are suitable for the groups from 20
to 900 persons sitting at the tables. The programme is
prepared in a style with two hours of passive participation
(guests are looking at the programme while eating and
drinking) and two hours of activities (guests have the
chance to participate in outdoor and/or indoor games
and activities). One of the main features of the place
is the fact that the reconstruction of history is very
detailed. Each guest is provided with their own civil
cloth the medieval cape so that the global view of the
medieval time is not interfered.
Coat - of - arms kingdom Czech
Original coat - of - arms
episcopate Olomouc
Coat - of - arms misters from Cimburk
Coat - of - arms misters from Vrabi
Several coat - of - arms stocks which owned fortress Drevcice

Coat - of - arms misters from Mírov